"I love Star Trek, which is why I hate bad Star Trek!"
And with those words I introduce myself, Matt McKinney, a sad little bearded fellow who just wants to talk about Star Trek. The problem is that Star Trek is complicated. Sometimes it's amazing drama, with characters that touch your soul and excitement to put the biggest smile on your face. Other times, it's unbelievably wretched, wallowing in miserable clichés and Mary Sues. Of course, being an optimist overall, I know that the only reason these awful Treks bother me is because I've seen it be so good. That's also why I have the love of my life, the incredible Offscreen Kim, noted cynic, to help keep me in balance. You'll often hear her chime in, swear, and throw things at me.
So, agree with me or disagree with me, sit back and enjoy POS TOS and, as usual, decide for yourselves.
And with those words I introduce myself, Matt McKinney, a sad little bearded fellow who just wants to talk about Star Trek. The problem is that Star Trek is complicated. Sometimes it's amazing drama, with characters that touch your soul and excitement to put the biggest smile on your face. Other times, it's unbelievably wretched, wallowing in miserable clichés and Mary Sues. Of course, being an optimist overall, I know that the only reason these awful Treks bother me is because I've seen it be so good. That's also why I have the love of my life, the incredible Offscreen Kim, noted cynic, to help keep me in balance. You'll often hear her chime in, swear, and throw things at me.
So, agree with me or disagree with me, sit back and enjoy POS TOS and, as usual, decide for yourselves.
Latest Episode ~
SOS TNG #147: Qpid
Here's a Couple Gifts for Free!
All you need to build the board game is some paper and a printer (and a little glue)!
This is absolutely free to anyone who wants it to build and play and share and even sell.
All I ask is that my name, Matt McKinney, remain in the instructions as the creator if and when you share this with others. Enjoy!
Here's a Couple Gifts for Free!
All you need to build the board game is some paper and a printer (and a little glue)!
This is absolutely free to anyone who wants it to build and play and share and even sell.
All I ask is that my name, Matt McKinney, remain in the instructions as the creator if and when you share this with others. Enjoy!
paper_rock_scissors_the_strategy_game.rtf | |
File Size: | 10607 kb |
File Type: | rtf |
#1 POS TOS The Enterprise Incident
#2 POS TOS The Alternative Factor
#3 POS TOS Friday's Child
#4 POS TOS The Omega Glory
#5 POS TOS Plato's Stepchildren
#6 POS TOS Arena
#7 POS TOS Mudd's Women
#8 POS TOS Court Martial
#9 POS TOS Spock's Brain
#10 POS TOS Top Ten TOS Episodes
#11 POS TOS The Way to Eden
#12 POS TOS The Naked Time
#13 POS TNG The Naked Now
#14 POS VOY Time and Again
#15 POS TOS Catspaw
#16 POS TNG Sub Rosa
#17 POS ENT Impulse
#18 POS VOY Fury
#19 POS TNG Symbiosis
#20 POS TOS Top Ten Worst Trek Romances
#21 POS TNG Devil's Due
#22 POS TOS The Lights of Zetar
#23 POS DS9 Move Along Home
#24 POS VOY Threshold
#25 POS TOS Head to Head: Most Annoying Characters
#26 POS TNG Encounter at Farpoint
#27 POS ENT Stigma
#28 POS VOY Favorite Son
#29 POS TOS A Piece of the Action
#30 POS TOS Top Ten Star Trek Fashion Disasters
#31 POS TNG Shades of Gray
#32 POS DS9 Second Sight
#33 POS ENT Harbinger
#34 POS TOS The Gamesters of Triskelion
#35 POS TNG The Loss
#36 POS VOY Good Shepherd
#37 NOS TOS The Apple
#38 NOS ENT Chosen Realm
#39 NOS VOY Prophecy
#40 POS TNG Top Ten TNG Episodes
#41 POS VOY Once Upon a Time
VLOG Star Trek: Into Darkness
#42 POS TNG Final Mission
#43 POS TNG Journey's End
#44 POS DS9 The Emperor's New Cloak
#45 POS VOY Eye of the Needle
#46 POS TNG The Icarus Factor
#47 POS MOV Star Trek: Into Darkness
#48 POS ENT Unexpected
#49 POS TNG The Last Outpost
#50 POS TOS Fifty Jokes From Good Episodes
#51 SOS DS9 Little Green Men
#52 POS TNG Cost of Living
#53 NOS TNG Rightful Heir
#54 NOS DS9 In the Hands of the Prophets
#55 NOS VOY Distant Origin
#56 NOS MOV Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
#57 POS TOS Metamorphosis
#58 POS TNG Samaritan Snare
#59 POS TNG Up the Long Ladder
#60 POS DS9 Top Ten DS9 Episodes
#61 SOS ENT Twilight
#62 POS VOY The Fight
#63 POS TOS A Private Little War
#64 SOS TNG A Matter of Perspective
#65 SOS VOY Virtuoso
#66 S&M Craving
#67 POS DS9 The Muse
#68 POS TOS The Man Trap
#69 POS TNG Man of the People
#70 NOS TOS Top Ten Omnipotools
#71 NOS VOY Sacred Ground
#72 NOS TNG Justice
#73 NOS TOS Who Mourns For Adonais?
#74 POS ENT Rogue Planet
#75 POS TOS Head to Head: Worst Message Shows
#76 POS TOS Patterns of Force
#77 S&M Nicodemus
#78 SOS DS9 Dramatis Personae
#79 POS TOS Turnabout Intruder
#80 POS VOY Top Ten VOY Episodes
#81 S&M Supergirl (1984)
#82 S&M Little Girl Lost
#83 S&M Fierce
#84 S&M Supergirl Pilot (2015)
#85 SOS VOY The Thaw
#86 POS TNG Masks
POS TAS The Twelve Days of Christ-TAS
#87 SOS TOS The Corbomite Maneuver
#88 SOS TOS The Doomsday Machine
#89 NOS VOY Emanations
#90 NOS TOS Top Ten Lamest Trek Resurrections
#91 NOS MOV Star Trek: The Motion Picture
#92 S&M Escape
#93 SVM Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice
#94 POS TNG Skin of Evil
#95 POS VOY Unforgettable
#96 POS VOY Random Thoughts
#97 POS TNG Imaginary Friend
#98 POS ENT Acquisition
#99 POS DS9 Profit & Lace
#100 POS TOS Top Ten Viewer-Voted Treks
#101 S&M Lexmas
#102 POS VOY One Small Step
#103 SOS TNG Hollow Pursuits
#104 NOS DS9 The Reckoning
#105 NOS TAS How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
#106 NOS VOY Coda
#107 S&M Doomsday
#108 POS DS9 Melora
#109 POS ENT Bound
#110 POS ENT Top Ten ENT Episodes
#111 80S TOY He-Man & She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword
#112 80S TOY GoBots: War of the Rock Lords
#113 80S TOY Transformers: The Movie
#114 80S TOY G.I. Goe: The Movie
#115 POS TNG Haven
#116 POS VOY Blood Fever
#117 NOS DS9 Destiny
#118 NOS TNG Who Watches the Watchers?
#119 S&M Collateral
#120 S&M Top Ten Lamest Smallville-Effect Smallville Episodes
#121 POS ENT A Night in Sickbay
#122 S&M Justice League
#123 SOS TNG Data's Day
#124 POS TNG The Hunted
#125 TAKE 5 Torture
#126 POS DS9 Fascination
#127 NOS DS9 Accession
#128 NOS TNG Where Silence Has Lease
#129 NOS VOY Mortal Coil
#129 POS VOY Top Ten Worst Neelix Stories
#131 POS TOS And the Children Shall Lead Them
#132 POS VOY Twisted
#133 S&M Heat
#134 POS DS9 Babel
#135 POS TNG 10011100
#136 POS TNG Emergence
#137 POS VOY Learning Curve
#138 S&M Superman III
#139 POS VOY Riddles
#140 S&M Top Ten Pros & Cons of the Snyder Cut
#141 POS TNG The Big Goodbye
#142 POS DS9 Our Man Bashir
#143 SOS VOY Heroes & Demons
#144 SOS TNG The Royale
#145 POS ROP A Shadow of the Past
#146 POS ROP Adrift
#147 SOS TNG Qpid
#148 POS ROP Adar
#149 POS ROP The Great Wave
#150 Top Ten Peter Jackson Improvements
#151 POS ROP Partings
#152 POS ROP Top Ten Good Deviations From Tolkien
#153 POS ROP Udûn
#154 POS ROP The Eye
#155 POS ROP Alloyed
#1 POS TOS The Enterprise Incident
#2 POS TOS The Alternative Factor
#3 POS TOS Friday's Child
#4 POS TOS The Omega Glory
#5 POS TOS Plato's Stepchildren
#6 POS TOS Arena
#7 POS TOS Mudd's Women
#8 POS TOS Court Martial
#9 POS TOS Spock's Brain
#10 POS TOS Top Ten TOS Episodes
#11 POS TOS The Way to Eden
#12 POS TOS The Naked Time
#13 POS TNG The Naked Now
#14 POS VOY Time and Again
#15 POS TOS Catspaw
#16 POS TNG Sub Rosa
#17 POS ENT Impulse
#18 POS VOY Fury
#19 POS TNG Symbiosis
#20 POS TOS Top Ten Worst Trek Romances
#21 POS TNG Devil's Due
#22 POS TOS The Lights of Zetar
#23 POS DS9 Move Along Home
#24 POS VOY Threshold
#25 POS TOS Head to Head: Most Annoying Characters
#26 POS TNG Encounter at Farpoint
#27 POS ENT Stigma
#28 POS VOY Favorite Son
#29 POS TOS A Piece of the Action
#30 POS TOS Top Ten Star Trek Fashion Disasters
#31 POS TNG Shades of Gray
#32 POS DS9 Second Sight
#33 POS ENT Harbinger
#34 POS TOS The Gamesters of Triskelion
#35 POS TNG The Loss
#36 POS VOY Good Shepherd
#37 NOS TOS The Apple
#38 NOS ENT Chosen Realm
#39 NOS VOY Prophecy
#40 POS TNG Top Ten TNG Episodes
#41 POS VOY Once Upon a Time
VLOG Star Trek: Into Darkness
#42 POS TNG Final Mission
#43 POS TNG Journey's End
#44 POS DS9 The Emperor's New Cloak
#45 POS VOY Eye of the Needle
#46 POS TNG The Icarus Factor
#47 POS MOV Star Trek: Into Darkness
#48 POS ENT Unexpected
#49 POS TNG The Last Outpost
#50 POS TOS Fifty Jokes From Good Episodes
#51 SOS DS9 Little Green Men
#52 POS TNG Cost of Living
#53 NOS TNG Rightful Heir
#54 NOS DS9 In the Hands of the Prophets
#55 NOS VOY Distant Origin
#56 NOS MOV Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
#57 POS TOS Metamorphosis
#58 POS TNG Samaritan Snare
#59 POS TNG Up the Long Ladder
#60 POS DS9 Top Ten DS9 Episodes
#61 SOS ENT Twilight
#62 POS VOY The Fight
#63 POS TOS A Private Little War
#64 SOS TNG A Matter of Perspective
#65 SOS VOY Virtuoso
#66 S&M Craving
#67 POS DS9 The Muse
#68 POS TOS The Man Trap
#69 POS TNG Man of the People
#70 NOS TOS Top Ten Omnipotools
#71 NOS VOY Sacred Ground
#72 NOS TNG Justice
#73 NOS TOS Who Mourns For Adonais?
#74 POS ENT Rogue Planet
#75 POS TOS Head to Head: Worst Message Shows
#76 POS TOS Patterns of Force
#77 S&M Nicodemus
#78 SOS DS9 Dramatis Personae
#79 POS TOS Turnabout Intruder
#80 POS VOY Top Ten VOY Episodes
#81 S&M Supergirl (1984)
#82 S&M Little Girl Lost
#83 S&M Fierce
#84 S&M Supergirl Pilot (2015)
#85 SOS VOY The Thaw
#86 POS TNG Masks
POS TAS The Twelve Days of Christ-TAS
#87 SOS TOS The Corbomite Maneuver
#88 SOS TOS The Doomsday Machine
#89 NOS VOY Emanations
#90 NOS TOS Top Ten Lamest Trek Resurrections
#91 NOS MOV Star Trek: The Motion Picture
#92 S&M Escape
#93 SVM Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice
#94 POS TNG Skin of Evil
#95 POS VOY Unforgettable
#96 POS VOY Random Thoughts
#97 POS TNG Imaginary Friend
#98 POS ENT Acquisition
#99 POS DS9 Profit & Lace
#100 POS TOS Top Ten Viewer-Voted Treks
#101 S&M Lexmas
#102 POS VOY One Small Step
#103 SOS TNG Hollow Pursuits
#104 NOS DS9 The Reckoning
#105 NOS TAS How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
#106 NOS VOY Coda
#107 S&M Doomsday
#108 POS DS9 Melora
#109 POS ENT Bound
#110 POS ENT Top Ten ENT Episodes
#111 80S TOY He-Man & She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword
#112 80S TOY GoBots: War of the Rock Lords
#113 80S TOY Transformers: The Movie
#114 80S TOY G.I. Goe: The Movie
#115 POS TNG Haven
#116 POS VOY Blood Fever
#117 NOS DS9 Destiny
#118 NOS TNG Who Watches the Watchers?
#119 S&M Collateral
#120 S&M Top Ten Lamest Smallville-Effect Smallville Episodes
#121 POS ENT A Night in Sickbay
#122 S&M Justice League
#123 SOS TNG Data's Day
#124 POS TNG The Hunted
#125 TAKE 5 Torture
#126 POS DS9 Fascination
#127 NOS DS9 Accession
#128 NOS TNG Where Silence Has Lease
#129 NOS VOY Mortal Coil
#129 POS VOY Top Ten Worst Neelix Stories
#131 POS TOS And the Children Shall Lead Them
#132 POS VOY Twisted
#133 S&M Heat
#134 POS DS9 Babel
#135 POS TNG 10011100
#136 POS TNG Emergence
#137 POS VOY Learning Curve
#138 S&M Superman III
#139 POS VOY Riddles
#140 S&M Top Ten Pros & Cons of the Snyder Cut
#141 POS TNG The Big Goodbye
#142 POS DS9 Our Man Bashir
#143 SOS VOY Heroes & Demons
#144 SOS TNG The Royale
#145 POS ROP A Shadow of the Past
#146 POS ROP Adrift
#147 SOS TNG Qpid
#148 POS ROP Adar
#149 POS ROP The Great Wave
#150 Top Ten Peter Jackson Improvements
#151 POS ROP Partings
#152 POS ROP Top Ten Good Deviations From Tolkien
#153 POS ROP Udûn
#154 POS ROP The Eye
#155 POS ROP Alloyed